Monday, December 1, 2014

Our Day As an Administrator by Quentin, Taylor, Emily and Harrison

Principals for the Day!

On Monday, November 24th, we had the chance to be TWE Administrators for the Day! We spent the day with Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Gilder and Ms. Brown.  It was a great but tiring experience. We learned that administrators do not just sit at their computers all day. We started the day with a faculty meeting with all of the Teachers for the Day and Counselors for the Day. The donuts were good, and we got inspiration from Kid President! Next, we went on announcements. It was exciting being in front of the whole school on TV. We delivered Class of the Week and Staff of the Week awards. During a Safety Walk with Ms. Brown, we checked to make sure our school was safe and clean. We learned that all people in the hall should always have a badge and that we need to report them if they don't have one. After observing in classrooms, we had a snack with all administrators and counselors in the Teacher's Lounge - everybody needs a break after a busy morning! Lunch duty was a messy and smelly job! We opened condiment packages and brought kids utensils. It was sometimes loud in the cafeteria. The students kept us busy! Then we had a pizza lunch! Yummy!!!!! Recess duty was next. We watched all of the kids playing - it is more fun to play than stand on the sidelines and watch. Next, we had a conference with the principal and assistant principals about how to make our school a better place. We also wrote notes to many teachers. It always cheers them up to get a handwritten note. Next, we observed in more classes and left notes for the teachers. After writing this blog, we ended our day with dismissal duty! We are the WOLFPACK and we are creating the future!

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