Wednesday, December 10, 2014

2nd grade SCIENCE - Matter is Everywhere! by the 2nd grade team


In Science, we have been learning about matter.   We discovered  that even air has matter.    We've discussed how to describe matter by weighing different objects and playing "I spy."

Next, we took objects and added heat to them to see if they would change.  We did a fun ice cube experiment to see what tool would melt the ice cube the fastest.  Most students said the hair dryer would melt the ice cube the fastest, but it was actually the hot water that worked the quickest!   We predicted what would happen if we added heat to it.    Many students said it would turn into a liquid.  The Ivory soap didn't melt, but grew out like a volcano! 

Then, we added heat to popcorn kernels.  We put the kernels into an air popper and watched how the kernels changed colors and then blossomed out like a flower.   Finally, we were able to eat the results of our experiment !

As these changes took place, we noticed  what physical properties changed.   We noticed that the size, shape, and weight were the most common properties that changed. 


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