Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Let’s Motivate! By Marilyn J. Triolo


As teachers, we play multiple roles in the eyes of our students. As each new school year comes around, we all know that the task of learning who our students really are will be one of the first set of goals that we aim to achieve.  When you look at this same task from the eyes of a parent, one might say, “Of course I know what my child likes”, or “I know exactly what motivates my child.” However, as time goes on these “likes” and “motivators” may change.  So, as I was thinking about what to blog about, I wanted to find something that may really touch our families at TWE, as well as our staff.  I found an excellent article titled Unmotivated Child? 6 Ways to Get Your Child Going by Debbie Pincus, MS LMHC.  As I read through her article several times, there were these 4 questions that were included in the article that kept popping back into my head.  The questions are as follows:

  • What motivates my child?
  • What does he really want?
  • What questions can I ask that will help him discover and explore his interests?
  • What are his goals and ambitions?

As a parent myself,  I started thinking about these questions and answering them to myself, as well as wondering if my own children’s teachers had done something similar for them at school.  I know that as a teacher, we all have to find and develop ways to motivate our students, as each child is different in what truly motivates them.  With that said, the motivators can change over time, and need to be "tweaked”, in order to have the best effect on the child.  This year at TWE, we have implemented a new system, still using our “Leader of the Pack” tickets.  Through this new system, our students are learning responsibility, accountability, and financial literacy skills.  It is awesome to see them treating these tickets as they would real money.  As the year has gone on, the system has been analyzed to be sure that we are still achieving the same motivation for our students through the use of these tickets.  I again realized as I read through those 4 questions, that I have asked my students what “rewards” would motivate them to want to earn more tickets in order to cash them in. By doing this, I have given them the opportunity to have a decision in the type of motivation that they were wanting to work for.  I saw this as a great way to begin teaching them financial literacy skills as they are “saving” in order to “spend” their tickets on something they really wanted which was something that motivated them to want to earn more tickets so they could “purchase” the reward.  Our students are learning and earning at the same time!!  That’s a great motivator in itself!!  When you have a minute, sit back and think if you, as a parent, can answer those 4 questions about your child(ren), and if you are stuck on one, just ask them….. they will be glad to share their ideas!!! 

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