Friday, April 17, 2015

Junior Achievement Day in Fifth Grade by Robert L.



Recently in Fifth Grade, we had Junior Achievement Day. If you don’t know what this is,  JA is a program to teach kids about the different aspects of the business world, such as the Global Economy, what you need to start a business, and what is in high demand on the market. We also learned about how countries have to buy materials from all over the world, just to make a single product! If you don’t understand, here’s an example: So let’s say Germany has a car factory, and they have to fill an order of cars, but, the thing is, they don’t have any materials! So they go buy some rubber from India, steel from the U.S, glass from Italy, and engines from Britain. So, now they have all their natural and manufactured resources, but they kind of have a problem: they don’t have anyone to run the factory! So they must hire Human Resources: Employees! So, now, Germany has all the resources they need to fill the order and make money! But on Junior Achievement Day, we also learned that if one link breaks, everything stops! Remember the car factory in Germany? Let’s say that there is a huge flood in India, and all the rubber is needed to make life rafts; What  happens to the tires in the car? So if there are no tires, there is no car! No car   means no need for glass, engines, steel, or employees! Then the factory goes out of business, and there is no more money being made! That really shows how countries depend on each other for goods. So, in reality, Junior Achievement Day is a fun and interesting way to learn about the business world and how it works! So if you think that learning about business and economy is boring, you are really missing out on some great stuff! So if you ever do Junior Achievement Day, get involved! There’s tons of things to learn!


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