Monday, March 2, 2015

Speed Geeking by Rhonda Henderson

Our teachers recently went Speed Geeking to learn more about how to incorporate technology into learning. They learned about many different apps (Aurama, Thinglink, 30 Hands, Educreations, Toontastic, Tellagami, Chatter Pix, and more), but they also learned about app smashing - using multiple apps to create! There were sessions about the expanded use of Google and lots of "Fabulous and Free" resources for teachers.

Yes! It is much like Speed Dating! Teachers were able to choose several sessions to visit and get to know a little bit about a lot! Thanks to our TWE GEEK SQUAD: Jamie Brown, Susan Boiasrsky, Laura Patrick, Laura Reeves, Taryn Fox, Renee Spath, Nicole Patrick Murphy, Marilyn Triolo, Cassie Keel, Sarah Frias, Tracey Charanza, and Kailey Miller. Thanks to our PTA and our community support for the funding to make it possible for the Geek Squad to attend the recent TCEA convention. It takes a village to build a great school!!!!!